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Microline 300

• The MicroLine® series of non-contact critical dimensional measurement systems are ideal for semiconductor and MEMS applications.
• MicroLine critical dimension measurement systems are designed specifically for semiconductor and MEMs wafer and photomask CD metrology. MicroLine systems automatically measure linewidth, overlay registration, and other critical features.

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Technical Specifications □Standard ■Optional
  X    Y     Z
Stage Travel 200x200x25mm
Stage Type  Crossed-roller with manual co-axial positioning and quick-release
Measurement Accuracy in the Field 01 View 0.010 μm (with 100x objective lens)
Feature Size 0.5 μm - 400 μm within the field of view
FOV Measurement Repeatability < 0.010 μm (1σ) on walers (with 100x objective lens)
    < 0.005 μm (1σ) on photomasks (with 100x objective lens)
Optics* — Typical Set-Up
  Objective Lens 5x 10x 20x 50x 100x
  Pixel Size (mm) 0.00298 0.00142 0.00072 0.000296 0.000143
  Working Distance (mm) 23.5 17.5 4.5 1 1
  Field of   X 1.92 0.958 0.48 0.193 0.096
  View (mm)    Y 1.29 0.644 0.318 0.131 0.065
Illumination □ Quartz-halogen, reflected light
■ Transmilted iIIumination and color filters
    □ Auloilluminalion      
Facilities Requirements   110V,1φ,60 Hz or 220V,1φ,50 Hz    
Features and Accessories
Software   □ MMWin™ and Measurement Conlrol Language (MCL) included
Operating System   □ Microsoft Windows™ xp      
Autolocus   □ Vision-based      
Accessories □ Low-noise CCD VGA format camera
□ Image processing at 60 frames per second
    ■ Vibration isolation table      






microline 300





















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